Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stretching my meat budget

I buy 1/4 of a cow from a local (to my extended family) farmer and I have it processed at the local meat locker. After processing it comes out to about 2 dollars a pound. However sometimes there is a really fantastic deal from our local grocer to get Ground chuck for about $1.00 a lb for bullets of meat, or less than $1 a pound for the big packs (Price Matching at Walmart is good for this, as is my local Hy-vee). The venison is free from the hunters in our family and ground turkey is about $0.70 for a 1lb bullet.

What I do is I add 1 lb ground venison, 1 lb ground turkey,1 lb good meat and 1 lb bullet ground beef. I brown them all together and then drain in the in a colander. I put it back in the pan, add 2 cubes of beef bullion, 1/2 cup of tvp and 1 cup of water. I have been making beef stock from soup bones and I have been adding 1 cup of that instead of the water/ bullion as of late. It has less sodium and is even more flavorful. I cook it all until it is all evenly browned and the liquid has cooked down or been absorbed by the TVP.

I split up the meat into 5 equal parts and freeze it. It comes out to be less than $0.75 a pound. It does not taste 'gamey' or bland. and can be used in anything requiring ground beef. And since it is already browned it cuts my cooking time down considerably. YAY for homemade convenience!

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